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Strand Class

Quarter 4 Assignment

Down Syndrome Research Slides

Assignment: Given the vocabulary we were taught, I was to make a Quizlet online in order to prepare for the NJASK and an energy quiz.

Due Date: May 25, 2017

Glow: I was able to define the words and use high vocabulary

Grow: I could have put the words in better terms.

Quarter 4 Assignment

Quarter 2 Assignment

STEM Animation Solar System Video

Assignment: Given a genetic disorder, a partner and I researched down syndrome to present to the class.

Due Date: May 10, 2017

Glow: I was able to give the right information.

Grow: I could have explained with better details.

Assignment: In order to prepare for the TSA competition, three group members and I made a video about the Solar System.

Due Date: March 15, 2017

Glow: I was able to provide information to the planets.

Grow: I should have added more animations.

Quarter 1 Assignment

Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Due Date: November 12,2016

Assignment: Create a project that deals with the graphic novel we are reading "Maus". 

Skills tested: The skills this project tested me in are: Time management, Finding symbols and their meaning. 

Grows: In this project 

Glows: In this Project

This page will serve as a showcase of my talents and how I developed them this year. I am gifted and talented in Academics. I develop this talent in my strand courses through the year. My strand courses are important to me because it helps me strengthen my knowledge and teach me something new every class so I can become someone in the future to not only benefit me but the entire future.


My strength in the Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy is Academics. I was accepted into this school for academics and over the course of the year I will show you projects that I have worked on in my strand classes.

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