8th Grade Student
Jeslyn Juarez
Hi, My name is Jeslyn!
My name is Jeslyn Juarez, a there is a picture of me to the left-hand side. As I write this I am currently a student at Passaic Gifted and Talented Academy, also known or referred to as PGTA! At PGTA you must audition and pick a talent in order to apply. These are called strands. There are four strands, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Academic, and Physical Education. I was accepted into PGTA for Academic! My goal for PGTA is to promote to ninth grade with honors.My goal for the future is to have a career and stay financially stable throughout my life. Since my strand is Academics, I take classes that help me strengthen my talent. I take a global concerns class, we figure out problems around the world and try to see what we can do to fix it. After school, I love to play sports, I spend a lot of time with my family and we all support one another in every scenario. My family is what keeps me going to try my best.